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  1. 学校教育 

  2. 讲授法 


  1. 教师道德是指教师个人的道德而不是指教师的职业道德。 ( )

  2. 教师只要在课堂教学中按其职业道德的要求行事就可以了。 ( )

  3. 只要有一定的科学文化知识就可以当教师。 ( )

  4. 教师职业是一种专业性极强的职业,对从业人员的素养应有特殊而严格的规定。( )

  5. 师生关系就是教与学的关系。 ( ) 

  Ⅰ.词汇与结构/Vocabulary and structure(15分)


  1. --Will you go skiing with me this winter vacation?

  --It _________.

  A. all depend 

  B. all depends

  C. is all depended 

  D.is all depending

  2. My school is about twenty _________ walk from here.

  A. minute 

  B. minutes’

  C. minute’s 


  3. You will succeed in the end _________ you give up halfway.

  A. even if 

  B. as though

  C. as long as 


  4. The pretty girl is known _________ the public _________ a little film star her excellent performance in a film.

  A. in; as; with 

  B. to; as; for

  C. among ; with ; in 

  D.by ; for; because of

  5. --Where is Jack, please?

  --He _________ be in the reading room.

  A. can 

  B. need

  C. would 


  6. Her sister _________ a rich man. They _________for twenty years.

  A. married with; have married

  B. married to; have married

  C. married; have been married

  D.had married; have been married

  7. It’ s a very kind offer, but I really _________ accept it.

  A. mustn’t 

  B. needn’t

  C. can’t 


  8. --Have great changes taken place in your village?

  --Yes. A new school was _________ in the village last year.

  A. held up 

  B. set up

  C. sent up 

  D.brought up

  9. You _________ your turn, so you’ 11 have to wait.

  A. will miss 

  B. have missed

  C. are missing 

  D.had missed

  10. Can you believe that in _________a rich country there should be _________ many poor people?

  A. such ; such 

  B. such ; so

  C. so; so 

  D.so; such

  11. John _________ the office as he was passing, but Mary was out.

  A. called for 

  B. called up

  C. called on 

  D.called at

  12. Hard work and lack of sleep have her beauty and youth in recent years.

  A. worn out 

  B. tried out

  C. made out 

  D.sent out

  13. I know nothing about the accident except I read in the paper.

  A. that 

  B. for

  C. what 


  14. --Now that you like the house with a garden, why not buy it?

  --Well, I can’t afford house at present.

  A. that expensive a 

  B. a such expensive

  C. that an expensive 

  D.a so expensive

  15. --Learning a language isn’t easy. It takes time.

  --I agree. There’s no shortcut.

  A. All roads lead to Rome 

  B. Rome wasn’t built in a day

  C. Practice makes perfect 

  D.Slow but sure wins the race



  One night this summer, on my way home from work I decided to see a movie. I knew the theatre would be air-conditioned and I couldn’t face my 16 apartment. Sitting in the theatre I had to 17 the opening between the two tall heads in front of me. I had to keep changing the 18every time she leaned over to talk to him, 19 he leaned over to kiss her. Why do the Americans display such 20 in a public place? I thought the movie would help improve my English, but as it 21 , it was an Italian movie. 22 about an hour I decided to give up the movie and 23 my popcorn. I’ ve never understood why they gave me so much popcorn! It tasted pretty good, 24 

  With time going by, I understood 25 of the romantic sounding Italians. I just heard the 26 of the popcorn chewed between my teeth. My thought started to 27 . I remembered when I was in South Korea, I 28 to watch a host on TV frequently. He seemed like a good friend tome, until I saw him 29 on TV in New York speaking 30 English instead of perfect Korean. He didn’t 31 have a Korean accent! I felt like I had been betrayed(背叛).

  When our family moved to the United States six years ago, none of us spoke any English. 32 we had picked up a few words, my mother suggested that we all should practise English at home. Everyone agreed, but our house became terribly 33 and we all seemed to avoid each other. When we couldn’t avoid seeing each other, our expressions were stiff (僵硬的). Sitting at the dinner table we preferred silence to 34 a difficult language. Mother 35 to say something in

  English but it came out all wrong and we all burst into laughter and decided to forget it ! We’ ve been speaking Korean at home ever since.

  16. A. warm 

  B. hot

  C. heated 


  17. A. wander through 

  B. walk through

  C. run through 

  D.look through

  18. A. room 

  B. seat

  C. space 


  19. A. however 

  B. but

  C. or 


  20. A. excitement 

  B. feeling

  C. privacy 


  21. A. came about 

  B. came up

  C. turned up 

  D.turned out

  22. A. Within 

  B. After

  C. For 


  23. A. concentrate on 

  B. stare at

  C. work on 

  D.stick with

  24. A. too 

  B. either

  C. anyhow 


  25 A. much 

  B. something

  C. nothing 


  26. A. nutrient 

  B. sound

  C. explosion 


  27. A. stop 

  B. wander

  C. imagine 


  28. A. started 

  B. began

  C. devoted 


  29. A. again 

  B. immediately

  C. closely 


  30. A. fake 

  B. informal

  C. perfect 


  31. A. even 

  B. always

  C. occasionally 


  32. A. Unless 

  B. If

  C. Before 


  33. A. noisy 

  B. quiet

  C. exciting 


  34. A. improving 

  B. reading

  C. writing 


  35. A. managed 

  B. happened

  C. tried 

  D. had

  Ⅲ.阅读理解/Reading comprehension (40分)


  The establishment of the Third Reich influenced events in American history by starting a chain of events which culminated in war between Germany and the United States. The complete destruction of democracy, the persecution of Jews, the war on religion, the cruelty and barbarism of the Nazis, and especially the plans of Germany and her allies, Italy and Japan, for world conquest caused great indignation in this country and brought on fear of another world war. While speaking out against Hitler’ s atrocities, the American people generally favored isolationist policies and neutrality. The Neutrality Acts of 1935 and 1936 prohibited trade with any belligerents or loans to them. In 1937, the President was empowered to declare an arms embargo in wars between nations at his discretion.

  American opinion began to change somewhat after President Roosevelt’ s "quarantine the aggressor" speech at Chicago ( 1937 ) in which he severely criticized Hitler’ s policies. Germany’ s seizure of Austria and the Munich Pact for the partition of Czechoslovakia ( 1938 ) also aroused the American people. The conquest of Czechoslovakia in March, 1939, was another rude awakening to the menace of the Third Reich. In August, 1939, came the shock of the Nazi-Soviet Pact and in September the attack on Poland and the outbreak of European war. The United States attempted to maintain neutrality in spite of sympathy for the democracies arrayed against the Third Reich. The Neutrality Act of 1939 repealed the arms embargo and permitted "cash and carry" exports of arms to belligerent nations. A strong national defense program was begun. A draft act was passed (1940) to strengthen the military services. A Lend Act (1941) authorized the President to sell, exchange, or lend materials to any country deemed necessary by him for the defense of the United States. Help was given to Britain by exchanging certain overage destroyers for the right to establish American bases in British territory in the Western Hemisphere. In August, 1940, President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill met and issued the Atlantic Charter, which proclaimed the kind of a world which should be established after the war. In December, 1941, Japan launched the unprovoked attack on the United States at Pearl Harbor. Immediately thereafter, Germany declared war on the United States.

  36. One item occurring before 1937 that the author does not mention in his list of actions that alienated the American public was _________.

  A. the burning of the Reichstag

  B. German plans for world conquest

  C. Nazi barbarism

  D. the persecution of religious groups

  37. The Lend-Lease Act was designed to _________.

  A. help the British

  B. strengthen the national defense of the United States

  C. promote the Atlantic Charter

  D. avenge Pearl Harbor

  38. The American Policy during the years 1935--1936 may be described as being _________.

  A. watchful 

  B. isolationist

  C. peaceful 

  D. indifferent

  39. The Neutrality Act of 1939 _________.

  A. permitted the selling of arms to belligerent nations

  B. antagonized Japan

  C. permitted the British to trade only with the Allies

  D. led to the Lend-Lease Act

  40. The United States entered the war against Germany _________.

  A. because Germany declared war

  B. because Japan was an ally of Germany

  C. after Germany had signed the Nazi-Soviet Pact

  D. after peaceful efforts had failed


  There have never been many adventurers. You can read stories about men called adventurers.But they were really businessmen. There was something they wanted--a lady, or money, or a country, or honor. And so they got it. But a true adventurer is different. He starts without any special purpose. He is ready for anything he may meet.

  There have been many half-adventurers. And they were great men. History is rich with their stories. But each of them had a special purpose. They were not followers of true adventure.

  In the big city of New York, Romance and Adventure are always waiting.

  As we walk along the street, they are watching us. We look up suddenly and see a face in awindow. The face seems to interest us strangely. Or in a quiet street, we hear a cry of fear and pain

  ~oming from a house where no one lives. A car takes us to a strange door, instead of to our own.The door opens and we are asked to enter. At every comer, eyes look toward us, or hands areraised, or fingers point. Adventure is offered.

  But few of us are ready to accept. We are ready to do only the things we do every day. We wish to do only the things that everyone else does. We move on; and some day we come to the end of a long quiet life. Then we begin to think. When it is too late, we are sorry that we have never known true Romance and Adventure.

  41. In the author’s opinion, there are _________ true adventurers.

  A. many 

  B. few

  C. no 

  D. a few

  42. In what way does the author say a true adventurer is different from a businessman?

  A. He is ready for anything he may meet.

  B. He is not interested in money.

  C. He enjoys excitement while a businessman does not.

  D. A true adventurer is romantic, while a businessman is dull.

  43. According to the passage, a cry of fear and pain coming from a house where no one lives in a quiet street means _________.

  A. a number 

  B. a fight

  C. wealth 

  D. adventure

  44. We can infer from the passage that when most people meet an offer of adventure, they will _________.

  A. grow angry but curious

  B. accept the offer

  C. grow embarrassed and reject the offer

  D. be frightened and cry for help .

  45. When do most people wish that they had known romance and adventure?

  A. When they are young.

  B. When it involves a beautiful lady or a handsome man.

  C. When something interests them strangely.

  D. When they reach the end of a long quiet life.


  President Arling has put his long-awaited economic restructuring program before the Congress. It provides a coordinated program of investment credits, research grants, educational reforms, and tax changes designed to make American industry more competitive. This is necessary to reverse the economic slide into unemployment, lack of growth, and trade deficits that have plagued the economy for the past six years.

  The most liberal wing of the President’ s party has called for stronger and more direct action. They want an incomes policy to check inflation while Federal financing helps rebuild industry behind a wall of protective tariffs.

  The Republicans, however, decry even the modest, graduated tax increases in the President’ s program. They want tax cuts and a more open market. They say if Federal money has to be injected into the economy, let it through defence spending.

  Both these alternatives ignore the unique nature of the economic problem, before Us. It is not simply a matter of markets or financing. The new technology allows vastly increased production for those able to master it. But it also threatens those who fail to adopt it with permanent second-class citizenship in the world economy. If an industry cannot lever itself up to the leading stage of technological advances, then it will not be able to compete effectively. If it cannot do this, no amount of government protectionism or access to foreign markets can keep it profitable for long. Without the profits and experience of technological excellence to reinvest, that industry can only fall still further behind its foreign competitors.

  So the crux is the technology and that is where the President’ s program focused. The danger is not that a plan will not be pa.ssed, it is that the ideologues of right and left will distort the bill with amendments that will blur its focus on technology. The economic restructuring plan should be passed intact. If we fail to restructure our economy now, we may not get a second chance.

  46. The focus of the President’s program is on _________.

  A. investment

  B. economy

  C. technology

  Do tax

  47. What is the requirement of the most liberal wing of the Democratic Party? ( )

  A. They want a more direct action.

  B. They want an incomes policy to check inflation.

  C. They want to rebuild industry.

  D. They want a wall of protective tariffs.

  48. What is the editor’ s attitude?

  A. Support.

  B. Distaste.

  C. Disapproval.

  D. Compromise.

  49. The danger to the plan lies in _________.

  A. the two parties’ objection

  B. different ideas of the two parties about the plan

  C. its passage

  D. distortion

  50. The passage is _________.

  A. a review

  B. a preface

  C. an advertisement

  D. an editorial


  The Norwegian Government is doing its best to keep the oil industry under control. A new law limits exploration to an area south of the southern end of the long coastline; production limits have been laid down (though these have already been raised) ; and oil companies have not been allowed to employ more than a limited number of foreign workers. But the oil industry has a way of getting over such problems, and few people believe that the Government will be able to hold things back for long. As a Norwegian politician said last week: "We will soon be changed beyond all recognition. "

  Ever since the war, the Government has been carrying out a programme of development in the area north of the Arctic Circle. During the past few years this programme has had a great deal of success: Tromso has been built up into a local capital with a university, a large hospital and a healthy industry. But the oil industry has already started to draw people from the south, and within a few years the whole northern policy could be in ruins.

  The effects of the oil industry would not be limited to the north, however. With nearly 100 percent employment, everyone can see a situation developing in which the service industries and the tourist industry will lose more of their workers to the oil industry. Some smaller industries might even disappear altogether when it becomes cheaper to buy goods from abroad.

  The real argument over oil is its threat to the Norwegian way of life. Farmers and fishermen do not make up most of the population, but they are an important part of it, because the Norwegians see in them many of the qualities that they regard with pride as essentially Norwegian. And it is the farmers and the fishermen who are most critical of the oil industry because of the damage that it might cause to the countryside and to the sea.

  51. The Norwegian Government would prefer the oil" industry to _________.

  A. provide more jobs for foreign workers

  B. slow down the rate of its development

  C. sell the oil it is producing abroad

  D. develop more quickly than at present

  52. The Norwegian Government has tried to _________.

  A. encourage the oil companies to discover new oil sources

  B. prevent oil companies employing people from northern Norway

  C. help the oil companies solve many of their problems

  D. keep the oil industry to something near its present size

  53. According to the passage, the oil industry might lead northern Norway to _________.

  A. the development of industry

  B. a growth in population.

  C. the failure of the development programme

  D. the development of new towns

  54. In the south, one effect to the development of the oil industry might be _________.

  A. a large reduction on unemployment

  B. a growth in the tourist industry

  C. a reduction in the number of existing industries

  D. the development of a number of service industries

  55. Norwegian farmers and fishermen have an important influence because _________.

  A. they form such a large part of the Norwegian ideal

  B. their lives and values represent the Norwegian ideal

  C. their work is so useful to the rest of Norwegian society

  D. they regard oil as a threat to the Norwegian .way of lifeⅣ.单词拼写/Word spelling(5分)

  56.The moon is shining brightly _________ (透过)the window on her face. 

  57.yesterday we visited John.He said his health was _________ (改善,提高). 

  58.China is still a _________ (发展中)country. 

  59.Have you seen Anne _________ (最近)?

  60.We should _________ (告知)you of the date of the delegation’s arrival. 












  Ⅵ.教学设计/Teaching plan(10分)


  1.学生能够用英语写介绍cultural relics的短文。 




  1. 学校教育是指根据一定社会的要求和受教育者身心发展的特点,有目的、有计划、有组织实施的教育,其目的是把受教育者培养成一定社会所需要的人。 

  2. 讲授法是指教师运用口头语言,系统连贯地向学生传授知识信息的一种教学方法。一般包括:讲述、讲解、讲读、讲演等方式。 


  1.F 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.F



  1. B[解析]It all depends.是常见说法,意为“那要看情况”,也可说成That depends.B正确。 

  2. B[解析]minute是可数名词,所以要用复数,二十分钟的路程,还要再加上名词所有格,所以答案选B。 

  3. D[解析]句意:如果你不半途而废,最后一定会成功。unless意为“如果不,除非”,用以引导一个条件状语从句;even if即使,虽然;as though仿佛,好像;as long as只要。 

  4. B [解析]be known to sb.是常见搭配,意为“为某人所知”;as作为;be known for因……而出名。B正确。 

  5. D[解析]can可以(表能力);need需要;would愿意;must一定(表推测)。根据句意应该选D。 

  6. C[解析]marry是及物动词,跟某人结婚应该直接说marry sb.结合时态,答案选C。 

  7. C[解析]mustn’t语气强,“禁止”;needn’t表示“不必”,常做must问句的回答;can’t “不能”;don’t助动词,无实意;通过句意可知答案为C。 

  8. B [解析]set up意为“建立”;hold up意为“举起,支撑,继续下去,阻挡,拦截”;send up意为“发出,射出,长出,使上升”;bring up意为“教育,培养,提出”。本题正确答案为B。 

  9. B [解析]用现在完成时表示动作已经发生。句意:你已经错过了机会,所以你只能等待。 


  11.D[解析]called for提倡、要求;called up召唤、使想起;called on号召、呼 ;called at访问、停靠。 

  12.A [解析]worn out消磨、穿破;tried out试验;made out书写、说明;sent out派遣、发出。 



  15.B [解析]All roads lead to Rome.条条大路通罗马。Rome wash’t built in a day.冰冻三尺非一日之寒。Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧。根据句意应该选B。 


  16.B [解析]因为作者想到剧院里还有空调,就不用回家面对他那很热的公寓了。所以答案选B。 

  17.D [解析]因为前面有两个很高的头,所以作者只能从两个头之间看到影片开始。A是漫步走过,B是走过,c是跑过,D是穿过……看。所以答案选D。 

  18.D [解析]前面的女人只要一转头跟旁边的男人说话,作者就不得不转换角度从空隙中看荧幕。所以答案选D。 



  21.D [解析]作者本来想看电影学习英语,结果发现电影是意大利语的。A选项是发生;B选项是走近;C选项是出现,发生;D选项是结果发现是。所以答案选D。 





  26.B [解析]作者只是听到了爆米花在齿间被嚼碎的声音。A选项是营养品;B选项是声音;C选项是爆炸;D选项是味道。所以答案应该选B。 





  31.A [解析]他甚至都没有韩国口音。所以答案选A。 


  33.B [解析】根据后文知道虽然建议练习英文,但是大家互相躲避,不见面不说话。所以家里应该变得非常安静。答案选B。 




  36.A [解析]由第一段的The complete destruction of democracy,the persecution of Jews。the war on religion,the cruelty and barbarism of the Nazis,and especially the plans of Germanv and her allies,Italy and Japan,for world conquest caused great indignation in this country and brought on fear of another world War.可推知B、C、D项都在文中提到了,故本题正确答案为A。 

  37.B[解析]由第二段A Lend Act(1941)authorized the President to sell,exchange.or lend materials to any country deemed necessary by him for the defense of the United States.可推知B项“加强美国国防”是正确的。 

  38.B [解析]由第一段的while speaking out against Hitler’s atrocities,the American people generally favored isolationist policies and neutrality.The Neutrality Acts of l935 and l936 prohibited trade with any belligerents or loans to them.可推出答案为B项,“孤立主义的”。 

  39.A [解析]由第二段的The Neutrality Act of 1939 repealed the arms embargo and permitted “cash and carry” experts of aims to belligerent nations.可推出A正确。 

  40.A [解析]由第一段的…the American people generally favored isolationist policies and neutrality可知美国一直倾向于中立政策。第二段In December,1941,Japan launched the unprovoked attack on the United States at Pearl Harbor.Immediately thereafter.Germany declared war on the United States.之后,美国才不得不参战。A正确。 

  41.B[解析]根据最后一段第一句But few of US are ready to accept.可以看出作者认为只有很少的人敢于去冒险。所以答案选B。 

  42.A [解析]第一段最后一句说,真正的冒险者…starts without any special purpose.He is ready for anything he may meet.A选项符合文章意思。 




  46.C[解析]通过第四段的The new technology allows vastly increased production for those able to master it. But it also threatens those who fail to adopt it with permanent second.class citizen.ship…及最后一段第一句So the crux is the technology and that is where the President,s program focused.可以推出总统计划的要点在技术,C正确。 

  47.A[解析】通过第二段The most liberal wing of the President’s party has called for stronger and more direct action.They want an incomes policy to check inflation while Federal financing helps rebuild industry behind a wall of protective tariffs.”可知,B、C、D都只是他们要求中的部分内容,不完整。本题正确答案为A。 

  48.A [解析]通过最后两段可以看出评论者的观点,支持的理由和论点,A项正确。 

  49.D [解析]通过最后一段的The danger is not that a plan will not be passed,it is that the ideologues of right and left will distort the bill with amendments that will blur its focus on technology. The economiCrestructuring plan should be passed intact.容易推出D正确。 



  51.B [解析]通过文章开头The Norwegian Government is doing its best to keep the oil industry under control.A new law limits exploration to…可以推出,挪威政府正竭尽全力把石油工业控制起来,制定新法律来限制勘探开采,限制产量等,B项符合题意。 


  53.C[解析]由第二段But the oil industry has already started to draw people from the south,and within a few years the whole northern policy could be in ruins.可以推知C正确。 

  54.C[解析]通过第三段The effects of the oil industry would not be limited to the north…Some smaller industries might even disappear altogether when it becomes cheaper to buy goods from abroad.可知现存工业数量减少,C正确。 

  55.B [解析]通过最后一段的because the Norwegians see in them many of the qualities that:hey regard with pride as essentially Norwegian.And it is the farmers and the fishermen who are most critical of the oil industry because of the damage that it might cause to the countryside and to the sea.可以推知B项正确。 




  58 developing 

  59 recently/lately 



  61. Be sure to write and tell me all the news.

  62. Are you used to getting up early?

  63. It is necessary for teachers to contact parents regularly.

  64. As far as I know, any product including computer software is forbidden to be sold on campus.

  65. Liu Chang said that the best way to improve English is to attend the English Club in the school.


  Teaching plan (one possible version) : 

  Step 1. Pre-writing

  1 Ask the students to read Johann’ s letter first. 

  2. Students choose their writing models. 

  Step 2. While-writing 

  1. Students collect their ideas for the letter. Write them down in order. 

  2. Students begin to write their letters.

  3. Choose some letters to show in the class. 

  Step 3. Writing task

  1. Students choose one cultural reliCin their hometown that they think is worth saving. Write a

  letter to all the students of their school to encourage them to help save the cultural reliC. They can

  use the model on Page 46 as a guide. 

  2. Students check the answers each other.

  3. The teacher checks the answers in class.

  Step 4. Project

  Students finish the project in line with the following:

  1. Get together with three of your classmates and share your letters from the writing task with one another. Read each letter aloud.

  2. Know how to take the best idea from each letter and make an even better plan to protect a cultural reliCin your hometown. Explain your reasons.

  3. Organize your plan step by step to get more and more students to join in the project.

  4. Prepare a short speech and have one member of your group tell your classmates.


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