

发表时间:2013/1/17 10:33:25 来源:互联网 点击关注微信:关注中大网校微信


 11. (A) A wine taster.

(B) A master water taster.

(C) The host of the show.

(D) The engineer who works on the water treatment plant.

12. (A) Berkeley Springs.

(B) Santa Barbara.

(C) Atlantic City.

(D) Sacramento.

13. (A) Being saucy and piquant.

(B) Tasting sweet.

(C) A certain amount of minerals.

(D) An absence of taste.

14. (A) Looking—smelling—tasting.

(B) Tasting—smelling—looking.

(C) Smelling—looking—tasting.

(D) Tasting—looking—smelling.

15. (A) Bathing.

(B) Boiling pasta in.

(C) Swimming.

(D) Making tea.

参考答案:11-15 BCDAC

Questions 16 to 20 are based on the following talk.

16. (A) Enhance reading and math skills.

(B) Increase the students’ appreciation of nature.

(C) Improve math, but not reading skills.

(D) Develop reading, but not math skills.

17. (A) To help the students appreciate the arts.

(B) To make the students’ education more well-rounded.

(C) To investigate the impact of arts training.

(D) To enhance the students’ math skills.

18. (A) Once weekly.

(B) Twice weekly.

(C) Once a month.

(D) Twice a month.

19. (A) Six months.

(B) Seven months.

(C) Eight months.

(D) Nine months.

20. (A) The children’s attitude.

(B) The children’s test scores.

(C) Both the children’s attitude and test scores.

(D) Both the teachers’ and the children’s attitude.

参考答案:16-20 ABCBC






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