

发表时间:2012/12/13 13:58:51 来源:互联网 点击关注微信:关注中大网校微信



语言学家预计,按照目前每天产生14.7个新词的速率,6月10日10点22分将产生第100万个词。现在有可能成为第一百万字的候选词有 defriend(去友),把某人从自己的朋友名单中踢除,greenwashing(漂绿),经过包装看起来环保,noob(菜鸟),一种新网络游戏。还有chiconomics(时尚经济,源自时尚chic和经济economic两个单词),这是时尚工业谈到衰退时的行话。

现在讲英语的人口已超过15亿人,而莎士比亚时代只有200万人讲只有10万个词汇的英语,这位作家创造了1700个新词。如今,屡屡出错的美国前总统布什创造了几个新字,比如“错误低估”(misunderestimate)就是一例。 学翻译:中大网校名师随身带

THE one millionth word will be added to the English language next month, linguistic experts revealed yesterday.

They said new words are being introduced at the rate of 14.7 a day as English has become the world’s main language.

And they forecast the vocabulary will top the one million mark at 10.22am on June 10.

Contenders include "defriend" when pals are crossed off internet social networking lists.

Others are "greenwashing" — coined by environmentalists to describe misleading information — and "noob," a new computer game player.


Then there is "chiconomics," the fashion industry’s buzzword for the slump.

English is now spoken by more than 1.5billion people worldwide.

In Shakespeare’s day there were only two million speaking fewer than 100,000 words.

The Bard coined about 1,700.

In more modern times gaffe-prone ex-US President George W Bush invented some, including "misunderestimate".

The latest predictions came from the Global Language Monitor, based in Texas.

It is made up of academics and wordsmiths who have been tracking word creation since 2003.






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