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发表时间:2014/4/4 16:00:00 来源:中大网校 点击关注微信:关注中大网校微信

31.Will all those ___ the proposal raise their hands?
A) in relation to B) in excess of C) in contrast to D) in favor of

32.When he was a young man, Lincoln ___ down the Mississippi in a flatboat.
A) drained B) dragged C) dripped D) drifted

33.Tom got home very late that night and his parents were already asleep, so he tiptoed(踮起脚走)upstairs to his own room, ___ of waking either of them.
A) fearful B) frightening C) alarmed D) anxious

34.Was it ___ at the party on Friday?
A) funny B) drama C) dramatic D) fun

35.We were abliged to accept it as true in the ___of other evidence.
A) shortage B) lack C) presence D) absence

36.After a quick ___ at the patient the doctor rang for an ambulance.
A) glance B) glimpse C) gaze D) stare

37.Mary was given the first prize by the ___ of judges.
A) panel B) cabinet C) appointment D) harmony

38.I caught a ___ of the taxi before it disappeared around the corner of the street.
A) vision B) glimpse C) look D) scene

39.Children are very curious ___.
A) at heart B) on purpose C) in person D) by nature

40.During the war she always kept a ___ of tinned food in the house.
A) load B) substitute C) reserve D) conservation

解析:A) in/with relation to 关于,涉及,有关;与……相比
eg. I have a lot to say ~that affair. 关于那件事,我有好多话要说。
Wages are very low ~the cost of living. 与生活费相比,工资是很低的。
B) in excess of 超过
C) in contrast to/with 与……形成对比,与……截然不同
D) in favor of 赞同,支持,有利于
eg. be in favor of sb.’s suggestion 赞同某人的建议

解析:A) drain vt./vi./n. 慢慢排去,使耗尽
eg. ~rice 滤去米中的水 dig trenches to ~the water away 开沟排水
B) drag vt./vi./n. 用力拉,拖,拽
eg. ~a net in fishing 拖网捕鱼 ~oneself along 拖着脚步走
C) drip vt./vi./n. 滴下,溢出
eg. See if the tap is dripping. 去看看龙头有没有漏水。
D) drift n./vi./vt. 漂流
eg. harbour ~港湾里漂浮的杂物 ~apart (两者)漂离,疏远

解析:A) fearful adj. 可怕的,害怕的,担心的,敬畏的,极坏的
fearful of 怕,担心
eg. be fearful of falling 怕摔到
B) frightening adj. 恐吓的,害怕的
C) alarm n./vt. 警报,使惊恐,使担心
D) anxious adj. 忧虑的,焦虑的,渴望的,急切的
eg. an ~moment 令人焦急不安的时刻
Be ~for sb. to succeed 渴望某人成功
Be ~to know the result 急于了解结果

解析:A) funny adj./n. 滑稽的,有趣的,古怪的,不舒服的,狡猾的,笑话
eg. a ~story 好笑的故事
B) drama n. 剧本,戏剧
Eg. stage a ~上演一出戏
Be interested in Chinese ~对中国戏剧有兴趣
C) dramatic adj. 戏剧的,戏剧性的,激动人心的,惹人注目的
eg. a ~event (scene) 富有戏剧性的事件(场面)
D) fun n./adj. 有趣的,给人欢乐的
eg. have fun 作乐,玩乐 a ~party 欢乐的聚会 have a ~time 过的开心


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